Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 6 - October 28, 1850

I didn't have to go to work today like my boss said. I stay home and help my mama taking care of my papa. I feel really good for not going to work today. Just for a day, I feel like a kid again not a child that have to work everyday. It's raining outside really hard. I'm just glad i didn't have to go to work today. My little sister looking a lot of better today. She still coughing like nut. My mama looking pale and worry today.  She have to stay up late taking care of my sister. I wish, just wish that I can help.

I just hear a moan from my neighbor. He been sick for few day now. I kept hearing moan from hi. Sometime it's so loud that I can't sleep. Sometime, my mama go over there can check up on him and he always say "I'm fine." But I know for a fact that he's not fine. I  think that he is going to die in couple of day. And if he dies, someone going to move in his house right afterward. Sad right?

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