Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 2 - Octuber 24, 1850

Well, we ran out of food today. So I went to work hungry. When I got to work, my boss looks angry because someone's hand got caught into the machine. And blood was running that person hand. The kid was crying and screaming mom from the top of their lung. My boss got mad and kick that person of out the factory. And that person walked home crying. So now I know what my boss do when someone hand got caught into the machine, for my families sake, I got to be careful. 

When I got home today, I found my papa got more ill. And he was resting in my the bed behind the table. His face look pale and tired. My mama looks worry and sad. It looks like she been crying when I was gone. So I give my mama all the money I made today and I gave my little sitter my snack I got today. She looks so happy and cute.

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