Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 8 - October 30, 1850

I woke up smelling the birthday cake near me. It's not that big not it's enough to eat with all of my family. I love eating birthday cake. I love my family. Well I got to go to work now. My job is eating easier now since I got use to it. My boss is kind of getting friendlier with us. He actually smile more. No body seems to cut their finer no more. Everybody seems to be careful now. I guess that why my boss is in a good mood lately. 

My mama finally found a job that she can do at home while taking care of my family. She look pretty happy when she found that job. Her job was to making t-shirt. My sister is helping my mom while she making a the t-shirt. That's good that she's helping my mama. My mama seems getting her job done faster since my dad is feeling better and helping with my mama. For once, I feel connected. And I'm not even tired from my job today. Thank goodness.

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