Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 8 - October 30, 1850

I woke up smelling the birthday cake near me. It's not that big not it's enough to eat with all of my family. I love eating birthday cake. I love my family. Well I got to go to work now. My job is eating easier now since I got use to it. My boss is kind of getting friendlier with us. He actually smile more. No body seems to cut their finer no more. Everybody seems to be careful now. I guess that why my boss is in a good mood lately. 

My mama finally found a job that she can do at home while taking care of my family. She look pretty happy when she found that job. Her job was to making t-shirt. My sister is helping my mom while she making a the t-shirt. That's good that she's helping my mama. My mama seems getting her job done faster since my dad is feeling better and helping with my mama. For once, I feel connected. And I'm not even tired from my job today. Thank goodness.

Day 7 - October 29, 1850

My mama give me a piece of bread this morning before I goes to work. She handed me a piece of paper and tell me to give it to my boss when I get to the factory. I said okay and start to walk toward the door. I meet up with Aileen in front of my house. " Hi Booboo." She said. "Hello Aileen." I said. And we just keep on walking to the factory in silent. When I got to the factory. I gave my boss the note and start working. 

When I got home today, I was so tired and I have to clean up my bed. And help my sister with her homework. She looks so happy today, and she wouldn't tell me why. " Do you know what coming up?" My mama said. "No, Ma. what it is?" I said. " You don't remember? It's your birthday tomorrow." She said. " Oh. I don't even remember that." I said. " We are going to celebrate it tomorrow." She said. " No. It's okay Ma." I said.

Day 6 - October 28, 1850

I didn't have to go to work today like my boss said. I stay home and help my mama taking care of my papa. I feel really good for not going to work today. Just for a day, I feel like a kid again not a child that have to work everyday. It's raining outside really hard. I'm just glad i didn't have to go to work today. My little sister looking a lot of better today. She still coughing like nut. My mama looking pale and worry today.  She have to stay up late taking care of my sister. I wish, just wish that I can help.

I just hear a moan from my neighbor. He been sick for few day now. I kept hearing moan from hi. Sometime it's so loud that I can't sleep. Sometime, my mama go over there can check up on him and he always say "I'm fine." But I know for a fact that he's not fine. I  think that he is going to die in couple of day. And if he dies, someone going to move in his house right afterward. Sad right?

Day 5 - October 27, 1850

I woke up today and found my little sister with a flu. She was coughing heavily. I feel really bad but I got to go to work. As usual, I saw Aileen walking to the factory by herself. She looks okay today.  I joined her with the to the factory. When I got to the factory. My boss look at me and said " I need to talk to you." My stomach start to have butterflies.

"I hear a about your papa and sister." My boss said. " How did you know?" I said. "One of your co-worker told me." My boss said. "Are you going to fired?" I said. "Of course not! I'm going to give you some money so your mama can help your papa." My boss said. "No, I can't do that." I said. " but I want to help you." he said. " But.... " I said. " No buts.. here is the money. Now go home!" he said.

Day 4 - October 26, 1850

My mama just give me a piece of bread before I walked to work. It was small like a palm of my hand. Not that big, but enough to fill my stomach in my stomach. I met someone new on the way to work. She lost her papa last night. She looked sad and tears about to leave her eyes and run down her pink cheek. Her name is Aileen. She was small and short. She walk slowly. It's like she don't want to leave her dad side.

I work hard today so my boss reward me with another cookie. So I got home and give it to my papa. He looks happy. He said "I'm so proud of you." I feel really happy when he said it. So I got up, smile and say "Thanks papa."  My mama smile at me while she was taking care about my baby sister. Today was a pretty good day. I finally see my boss smile.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 3 - October 25, 1850

I woke up late today and my boss docked my pay. And I didn't my snack today. So my sister won't have anything to eat today. I feel really bad about waking up late. Now I'm just here writing my blog with regret. So my boss was in a bad mood today, he was about to  kick out one of the kid in the factory but the kid begged to stay. So he have one more last chance.

My papa was getting better today. But he still looks pale and tiring. His cough getting lighter not heavy like before. So I'm really glad that my papa looking better. Just hope he getting better soon, to see his normal self. My sister looked hungry today. I feel really bad. I see my mom get some bread today.

Day 2 - Octuber 24, 1850

Well, we ran out of food today. So I went to work hungry. When I got to work, my boss looks angry because someone's hand got caught into the machine. And blood was running that person hand. The kid was crying and screaming mom from the top of their lung. My boss got mad and kick that person of out the factory. And that person walked home crying. So now I know what my boss do when someone hand got caught into the machine, for my families sake, I got to be careful. 

When I got home today, I found my papa got more ill. And he was resting in my the bed behind the table. His face look pale and tired. My mama looks worry and sad. It looks like she been crying when I was gone. So I give my mama all the money I made today and I gave my little sitter my snack I got today. She looks so happy and cute.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 1 - October 23, 1850

My name is BooBoo Malik and today is my first day of working at this factory name Cuban Cigar. It's was a tiring day. Right now is 12am and I'm here recording today. I woke up at 6am and my mama gave me piece of bread and I walk to the factory alone because my mama have to take care of my sick papa and my little sister. Since my mama looks for me this job, so it's not far away from my house. It's about 2 blocks away from my house.
When I got work, my boss immediately find me a job. My job was to sort paper out for the cigar. And I saw alot of people my age and they work really hard. It's a really hard job because you can get a paper cut easy if you don't be careful. If you got blood on the paper, the boss got really mad and cut off your littles snack between the day. Now, I have to be careful so i can save the little snack for my little sister so she won't be hungry. Well, it's 12:30. I have to go to sleep for I can wake tomorrow.